Insurance benefit coverage ends at midnight of the pay period end date.
New hires and rehire employees will undergo a status audit after 6-months of employment.
Yes, only if hours worked support a status change. The status change will need to be performed in My Personal Desk. Note, if the employee is stepping down from Full-Time status, the Employment Certification Request must be voluntarily completed by the employee before the manager can take action in My Personal Desk.
If an employee is working below average hours and wants to change from Full-Time status and revoke insurance coverage, the employee may voluntarily move from FT status by electronically signing an Employee Classification Request located on My Personal Desk. The employee should be aware that by signing the form to change to Part-Time or Casual Part-Time status, he/she also forfeits 8 hours of PTO and holiday pay. Employee Steps: Login to My Personal Desk Click the “My Data” button Click on Employment Classification Request and complete the form Manager Steps: Login to My Personal Desk Click the “My Team” icon Perform an Organizational Transfer and select the appropriate reason