Informal Corrective Action (ICAR)

ICAR involves a verbal discussion that may or may not be documented in writing, depending on the nature of the performance/behavior issue and circumstances.

Informal Coaching is a form of ICAR that involves undocumented, day-to-day conversations with employees that proactively address performance/behavior issues at the time they arise. Informal coaching conversations should be positive and constructive.

ICAR involves formal documentation of the conversation with the employee in writing in the form of an APR/EPR or written Reset of Expectations. This is appropriate for performance or behavior that, while unacceptable, does not justify a FCAR and does not bring immediate/significant risk to other employees, customers, or the Company. It is an opportunity for the manager to notify the employee that continuing the unacceptable performance/behavior in the future may result in a FCAR. An employee can receive more than one ICAR before it is appropriate to deliver FCAR.

Examples of when a Corrective Action Discussion may be an appropriate course of action include, but are not limited to:

  • First sign(s) of unsatisfactory performance, as appropriate
  • Beginning of absenteeism/tardiness
  • Failure to follow a Company process or policy that does not result in immediate/significant harm to employees, customers, or the Company (ex. reporting to work dressed inappropriately)
  • Informal Coaching conversation does not appear to be supported by the employee
  • Manager believes the specifics of an Informal Coaching conversation may later become an issue

Managers should document the conversation with the employee, including date and time, and the specific performance/behavior addressed in writing. Written documentation should be retained in the employee’s personnel file.  Informal Corrective Action (ICAR) and Coaching Discussions do not have immediate implications on employee eligibility for promotions, transfers, pay raises or OneSight eligibility.