Managers should encourage employees to use PTO! PTO allows employees to take time off from work so that they can return refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to perform at their best.

Here are some things you should know about using PTO:

  • Employees must request approval to use PTO from their manager as far in advance as possible.
  • As a reminder, failure to notify management when missing work constitutes an unexcused absence and may result in corrective action even if an employee has PTO available and whether or not PTO is used to cover the absence.
  • Managers should approve PTO in consideration of business operations.
  • Employees may use PTO in partial day increments down to 1 hour (at the discretion of the employee’s manager).
  • Employees must use available PTO for all full or partial day absences (other than an approved Leave of Absence).