No Call, No Show (NCNS) Defined

A NCNS is when an employee is absent and fails to notify their manager within two hours into their shift.

Managing a NCNS

A single NCNS may result in a Formal Corrective Action. A CAR request via Employee Relations e-Service is required before addressing the NCNS with the Employee at their next shift. If the employee has two consecutive NCNS, see Job Abandonment.

Please Note: Before you address any attendance issues, be sure you're familiar with your brand's attendance standards (U.S. Only). Attendance issues should be addressed in a timely manner and in accordance to Company expectations and prior consistencies. Managers should use the Employee Attendance Tracker to record all attendance issues.

If you are considering issuing a CAR or termination, you are required to submit information via Employee Relations e-Service. Please refer here to determine if Employee Relations support is required before proceeding. In locations where paid sick leave is applicable, absences counted toward sick pay should be excluded from performance management and corrective actions.

Click here to see questions to consider before submitting an e-Service request.

If you are a manager submitting a Corrective Action for unsatisfactory attendance, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Employee Relations e-Service
  2. Select All Store Employees
  3. Select For Store and Field Managers Only
  4. Scroll down slightly and select U.S. Manager Request for Corrective Action or Canada Request for Corrective Counseling
  5. Follow the process and enter the required information
  6. Select Unsatisfactory Attendance as the topic of the Corrective Action
  7. Finish filling out the Corrective Action Request and submit for approval